Aircraft Drawings : Utility Aircraft
Welcome to our growing collection of military Utility Aircraft drawings. We have arranged
these by time groupings according to the conflict that the aircraft served in(for the most part), although
there is significant overlap in many aircraft because of the long lifetime of the airframe.
Select the pages you want to see from the list below. All pages can be printed as a "Coloring Page" or make great
aircraft identification practice learning-aids.
1910's thru 1920's - Group 1
30's thru late 40's - Group 2
YC-122 Avitruc
C-46 Commando
Late 40's thru 50's - Korean War Era - Group 3
60's - 70's - Vietnam War Era - Group 4
Nimrod - Hawker Siddeley
80's - 90's - Gulf War I Era - Group 5
2000's - Current - Gulf War II Era - Group 6